Giosan, C., Muresan, V., Wyka, K., Mogoase, C., Cobeanu, O. & Szentagotai, A (2018). The Evolutionary Fitness Scale: A Measure of the Independent Criterion of Fitness. EvoS Journal: The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium. (in press).
Giosan, C., Cobeanu, O., Mogoase, C., Szentagotai, A., Muresan, V. & Boian, R. (2017).
Reducing Depressive Symptomatology with a Smartphone App: A Protocol for a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Trials, 18: 215. DOI 10.1186/s13063-017-1960-1. See full text.
Giosan, C., Cobeanu, O., Mogoase, C. , Szentagotai, A., Boian, R. (2016). Using a smartphone app to reduce cognitive vulnerability and mild depressive symptoms: Study protocol of an exploratory randomized controlled trial. Trials. Vol 17 pp. 609. DOI 10.1186/s13063-016-1740-3. http://rdcu.be/ocdU. See full text.
Mogoase, C., Cobeanu, O., David, O., Giosan, C., & Szentagotai, A. (2016). Internet-based psychotherapy for adult depression: what about the mechanisms of change? Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol 73(1). 5-64. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22326. Full text.
Avram, E., Podina, I. & Giosan, C. Cognitive-Behavioral Standpoint on the Perceived Consequences of a Major Seismic Event in Relation to Optimism and Pre-hazard Emotional Distress (2016).
Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. Vol 34(2) 114-124. DOI:10.1007/s10942-015-0231-x.
Giosan, C., Muresan, V. & Moldovan, R. (2014). Cognitive-evolutionary therapy for depression. A case study. Clinical Cases Reports. Vol 2, Issue 5, pp 228-236. DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.131 See full text.
Giosan, C., Malta, L.S., Wyka, K., Jayasinghe, N., Evans, S., Difede, J. & Avram, E. (2015). Sleep disturbance, disability and posttraumatic stress disorder in utility workers. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Vol 71, Issue 1, pp 72-84, 10.1002/jclp.22116. Link.
Giosan, C., Cobeanu, O., Mogoase, C., Muresan, V., Malta, L.S, Wyka, K. & Szentagotai, A. (2014). Evolutionary cognitive therapy versus standard cognitive therapy for depression: a protocol for a blind randomized, superiority clinical trial. Trials, 15:83. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-83. Full text.
Giosan, C. (2013). "Slow” reproductive strategy: A negative predictor of depressive symptomatology. Australian Journal of Psychology. September 2013. Vol 65(3): 156-162. doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12016. Full text..
Cukor J, Wyka K, Mello B, Olden M, Jayasinghe N, Roberts J, Giosan C, Crane M, Difede J. (2011). The longitudinal course of PTSD among disaster workers deployed to the World Trade Center following the attacks of September 11th. Special Issue: The September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks: Ten Years After. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(5): 506-514. Full text.
Cukor J, Wyka K, Jayasinghe N, Weathers F, Giosan C, Leck P, Roberts J, Spielman L, Crane M & Difede J (2010). Prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms in utility workers deployed to the World Trade Center following the attacks of September 11, 2001. Depression and Anxiety 28(3): 210-217. Full text.
Giosan, C. & Wyka, K.E. (2009). Is a Successful High-K Fitness Strategy Associated with Better Mental Health? Evolutionary Psychology, 7(1): 28-39. Full text. Another full text.
Giosan, C., Malta, L., Jayasinghe, N., Spielman, L., & Difede, J. (2009). Relationships between Recollection of Traumatic Events and PTSD in Disaster Relief Workers. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Vol 23: 557-561. Full text.
Evans, S., Patt, I., Giosan, C., Spielman, L. & Difede, J. (2009). Disability and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Disaster Relief Workers Responding to September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Disaster. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 11, 684-694. Full text.
Malta, L., Wyka, K. E., Giosan, C., Jayasinghe, N., Difede, J. (2009). Numbing Symptoms as Predictors of Unremitting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23, 223-229. Full text.
Jayasinghe, N., Giosan, C., Evans, S., Spielman, L., Difede, J. (2008). Anger and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Disaster Relief Workers Exposed to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Disaster: One-Year Follow-Up Study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 11, 196-199.
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Difede, J., Cukor, J., Jayasinghe, N., Patt, I., Jedel, S., Spielman, L., Giosan, C. & Hoffman, H. (2007). Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Following September 11, 2001. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 68, 1639-1647. Full text.
Giosan, C. (2006). High-K Strategy Scale: A Measure of the High-K Independent Criterion of Fitness. Evolutionary Psychology, 4, 394-405. Full text.
Leck, P., Difede, J., Patt, I., Giosan, C., & Szkodny, L. (2006). Incidence of Male Childhood Sexual Abuse and Psychological Sequelae in Disaster Relief Workers Exposed to a Terrorist Attack. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 8, 267-274. Full text.
Difede, J., Cukor, J., Patt, I., Giosan, C., & Hoffman, H. (2006). The Application of Virtual Reality to the Treatment of PTSD Following the WTC Attack. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1071, 500-501. Doi: 10.1196/annals.1364.052 Full text.
Difede, J., Cukor, J., Patt, I. Giosan, C. & Hoffman, H. (2006). The application of virtual reality to the treatment of PTSD following the WTC attack. In Psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder: A decade of progress. Eds: R. Yehuda. Publisher: Wiley Blackwell, Boston, MA, on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences. See table of content here. Amazon link.
Jayasinghe, N., Giosan, C., Robin, L., Difede, J., Spielman, L., & Robin, L. (2006). Predictors of Responses to Psychotherapy Referral in WTC Disaster Workers. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19, 147-152. Full text.
Evans, S., Giosan C., Patt , I., Spielman L., & Difede J. (2006). Anger and its Associations to Distress and Social/Occupational Functioning in Symptomatic Disaster Relief Workers Responding to the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Disaster. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19, 147-152. Full text.
Giosan, C., Holtom, B., & Watson, M. (2005). Antecedents of Job Embeddedness: The Role of Individual, Organizational and Market Factors. Revista de psihologie organizationala, Vol. 5, issues 2, 3, 4, pp. 31-44, Romania. Full text.
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Giosan, C. (2004). Altruistic Behavior toward Infants in Biologically Significant Situations. Psychology and Education - An Interdisciplinary Journal, USA. Vol. 41 (1), pp. 30--34. Full text.
Kramer, M.E., Brown, A.D., Spielman, L., Giosan, C., & Rothrock, M. (2004). Psychological Reactions to the National Terror-Alert System. The Id: Graduate Faculty, Psychology Society Bulletin. 1(1). Full text.
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Giosan, C. (1995). Perceptual Illusions in the New Horizons of Modern Psychology. Psychological Universe, Romania. Vol. 5, No. 2, Pp. 5-8. Full text.
Manzat, I. & Giosan, C. (1995). Synergetic Psychology - A New Perspective. Psychology. A Journal of Human Behavior, USA. Vol. 32, No.2, Pp. 27-35. Full text.
Manzat, I. & Giosan, C. (1994). An Experimental Project of Developing Scientific Thinking in Students. Journal of Psychology of the Romanian Academy of Science. Romania, Vol. 40, No 3, Pp. 185-196.
Giosan, C. (2016). Psihopatologie Evolutionista. Editura TREI, Bucuresti.
Giosan, C. (2016). Coordonator. Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale. Editura Universitara, Bucuresti.
Giosan, C. (2016). Modul de adaptare al speciei umane. In C. Giosan (coordonator). Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale. Editura Universitara, Bucuresti.
Giosan, C. (2016). Infidelitatea. In C. Giosan (coordonator). Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale. Editura Universitara, Bucuresti.
Giosan, C. & Codreanu, C. (2015). Problematica HIV/SIDA. Aspecte medicale si psihologice. Editura Universitara, Bucuresti.
Giosan, C. (2014). Retentia de Personal. Chapter in "Psihologia Sanatatii Organizationale", vol 2., pages: 9-24. Editors: E. Avram. Editura Universitara, Bucuresti.
Difede, J., Cukor, J., Patt, I. Giosan, C. & Hoffman, H. (2006). The application of virtual reality to the treatment of PTSD following the WTC attack. In Psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder: A decade of progress. Eds: R. Yehuda. Publisher: Wiley Blackwell, Boston, MA, on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences. See table of content here. Amazon link.
Giosan, C. (2004). Charles Darwin, CEO: Some applications of evolutionary psychology to management. The ID: Graduate Faculty, Psychology Society Bulletin, 2: 21-36. For full text click here. Not peer reviewed.
Giosan, C. (2003). Predictors of Job Embeddedness. The ID. Graduate Faculty, Psychology Society Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1. 51-53. For full text click here. Not peer reviewed. |